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Per Capita Income

Per capita income (PCI) is the average income of each person in a certain area. It's calculated by dividing the total income by the total population. This measure reflects the standard of living and quality of life for a population or area. 

Unlike other income metrics, Per Capita Income takes into account every individual within a region, including those without jobs. Therefore, it may not accurately represent the average national income compared to measures that consider employment. 

Understanding Per Capita Income

PCI is a useful indicator of economic health. It shows the income available to each person and can be used to compare different regions, track economic trends and assess policy impacts. It is also a practical measure for individuals and families, as it can influence the quality of life and access to essential services. 

PCI serves as a global wealth management tool by presenting a country's average income. Changes in PCI can help leaders understand their economic progress and make necessary adjustments. 

Limitations of Per Capita Income

However, users should be aware of its limitations: 

1 No consideration of inflation 

PCI doesn't account for inflation over time, which may overstate the benefits of economic growth. 

2 Skewed income distribution 

Because PCI is an average, it might not accurately depict income distribution due to significant disparities between low and high-income households. 

3 Exchange rates are disregarded 

PCI doesn't consider exchange rates for international comparisons, which may affect the perception of living standards if not adjusted for purchasing power parity. 

4 Not comparable with other methods 

Since PCI considers all individuals, it might not be as accurate as methods that only consider employed populations when representing average income.