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The Complete Guide to Tax Rebate on Electric Vehicles in India: How to Get Maximum Benefits in FY 2023-24

As we step into a more environmentally conscious era, electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular. The Indian government, recognizing the potential of EVs to reduce pollution, has introduced a range of incentives to encourage their adoption. This includes offering significant tax rebates to those who purchase electric vehicles. 

  • Tax incentives: These are designed to encourage the purchase and use of electric vehicles, which contribute significantly less to greenhouse gas emissions than traditional vehicles.
  • Lower operating costs: Electric vehicles have fewer moving parts, which can result in reduced maintenance costs.
  • Environmental benefits: By choosing an electric vehicle, you're helping to reduce harmful air pollution from exhaust emissions.
In this article, we delve into the world of tax rebates on electric vehicles in India, helping you understand the financial benefits on offer. Making an informed decision can save you a significant amount of money and contribute to a cleaner, greener planet.

Remember, the journey to a greener planet begins with us. Let's start by exploring the tax benefits associated with electric vehicles in India.

The Advantages of Owning an Electric Vehicle

In the arena of modern transportation, the advent of electric vehicles (EVs) has ushered in a new age of opportunities and advantages for consumers. The benefits of owning an electric vehicle go beyond mere convenience; they encompass a broad spectrum of financial, environmental, and performance-based perks. 

Financial Benefits 

One of the primary advantages of owning an electric vehicle in India is the potential for substantial financial savings. The government of India, in an effort to encourage the uptake of electric vehicles, has introduced a number of tax rebates and deductions. This, in effect, makes owning an electric vehicle not only a sustainable choice but also a financially prudent one. 

Under the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles (FAME) II scheme, the government provides subsidies to electric vehicle buyers. This can significantly reduce the upfront cost of EVs. Moreover, the income tax act, Section 80EEB, offers a tax deduction of up to 1.5 lakh on the interest paid on loans taken for electric vehicles. 

Environmental Impact 

From an environmental perspective, electric vehicles are a significant stride towards decarbonizing the transportation sector. They produce zero tailpipe emissions, which results in a substantial reduction in the air pollution levels. This aspect is particularly important in India, where major metropolitan cities grapple with the challenges of air pollution. 

Performance and Maintenance 

Electric vehicles are not only cleaner but also quieter and smoother in operation, providing an enhanced driving experience. They have fewer moving parts than conventional vehicles, which translates into lower maintenance costs. EVs do not require oil changes, for instance, which are a regular part of maintaining a petrol or diesel vehicle. 

In conclusion, the transition to electric vehicles presents a win-win situation, combining financial incentives with environmental consciousness and superior performance. The government’s tax rebate and subsidy schemes make this shift economically attractive, while the reduced emissions contribute to a healthier environment. The comfort and low maintenance further add to the appeal of electric vehicles.

Understanding Electric Vehicle Incentives and Rebates in India

Getting an electric vehicle (EV) in India is not just about joining the green revolution, it's also about understanding the financial benefits that come with it. The Indian government, in an attempt to boost the adoption of EVs, has implemented several incentives and rebates. These are designed to make the purchase of electric vehicles more appealing and financially viable for the average Indian consumer. Let's delve into these incentives and how you can benefit from them. 

The FAME Scheme 

The Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles (FAME) scheme was launched by the Department of Heavy Industries, Government of India. The goal of this initiative is to encourage the production and purchase of electric and hybrid vehicles in the country. This scheme comes with several benefits that can help lighten the financial burden of acquiring an EV. 

  • FAME II, the second phase of the scheme, offers upfront incentives on the purchase of electric vehicles. This is based on the battery capacity of the EV, with INR 10,000 given for each kWh.
  • Public transport and commercial vehicles, excluding buses, can also benefit from these incentives. However, this is limited to vehicles used within cities.

GST Reduction 

The Government of India has also slashed the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on electric vehicles, reducing it from the standard 28% to a mere 5%. This reduction aims to make EVs more affordable for the Indian masses and thus stimulate their adoption. It's important to note that this tax benefit is applicable to EVs only and does not extend to hybrid vehicles or vehicles running on bio-fuels. 

Income Tax Rebate 

Under Section 80EEB of the Income Tax Act, a deduction of up to INR 1.5 lakh is available on the interest paid on loans taken for the purchase of electric vehicles. This benefit is available for both individual taxpayers and businesses, making it a significant factor to consider when contemplating the switch to EVs. 

It's vital to understand that these incentives and rebates are subject to change based on government policies. Therefore, it's always wise to check the current regulations before purchasing an electric vehicle.

While these incentives significantly reduce the cost of owning an electric vehicle in India, it's important to factor in other considerations such as charging infrastructure and maintenance costs. However, with the Indian government's continued support and the growing awareness of environmental sustainability, the future of electric vehicles in India looks promising.

The Current State of Electric Vehicle Tax Credits in India

India, as a burgeoning economic powerhouse, has recognized the importance of transitioning from traditional fuel-powered vehicles to more sustainable electric alternatives. The Indian government has instituted several tax rebates and incentives to encourage the adoption of these environmentally-friendly vehicles, showing a strong commitment towards a cleaner, greener future. Let's delve deeper into the current state of electric vehicle (EV) tax credits in India. 

India's central government, along with various state governments, has implemented numerous initiatives under the umbrella of the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles (FAME) scheme. This scheme is designed to promote the manufacture and widespread adoption of eco-friendly vehicles. 

FAME India Scheme 

The FAME India scheme is a part of the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan. The scheme not only provides incentives on electric vehicles but also encourages technology infrastructure and charging stations. 

Under FAME II, the Government has approved ₹10,000 Crore for a period of three years commencing from April 1, 2019. Out of this, about 86% of the total fund has been allocated for demand incentives. 

It is important to note that the incentives are applicable only on vehicles that are fitted with advanced batteries like Lithium Ion and other new technology batteries. Lead acid batteries are not covered under these incentives.

Goods and Services Tax (GST) 

The Government of India has also reduced the GST on electric vehicles from 12% to 5%. This reduction aims to make EVs more affordable for the average consumer, thereby promoting their widespread adoption. This tax reduction applies to all categories of EVs, including cars, buses, and two-wheelers. 

Income Tax Rebates 

To further incentivize the adoption of EVs, the government has also introduced income tax rebates. As per the Union Budget 2019-20, individuals can avail of an additional income tax deduction of ₹1.5 lakhs on the interest paid on the loans taken for the purchase of electric vehicles. This deduction is over and above the existing ₹2 lakhs deduction available on the interest on housing loans. 

While these initiatives paint a promising picture for the future of electric vehicles in India, it is crucial for potential EV owners to understand the specifics of these tax credits and incentives. It is recommended to consult with a tax professional or financial advisor to maximize the benefits of these programs.

How to Qualify for Electric Vehicle Tax Credits and Rebates

If you're contemplating the purchase of an electric vehicle (EV) in India, it's essential to understand how to qualify for the various tax credits and rebates available. These incentives can significantly reduce your overall cost and make owning an electric vehicle more affordable. Let's take a closer look at what you need to do to qualify for these benefits. 

Choosing an Eligible Vehicle 

The first step is ensuring you're buying an eligible vehicle. The government offers tax credits and rebates to only those electric vehicles that meet specific criteria., Generally these are EVs that are high in energy efficiency and positively contribute to the environment. 

Understanding the Income Tax Act 

India's Income Tax Act offers a deduction for the purchase of electric vehicles. Section 80EEB provides a deduction of up to INR 1.5 lakh on the interest paid on loans taken to purchase electric vehicles. To qualify for this benefit, you need to take into account the following requirements: 

  1. The vehicle must be purchased between the financial years 2019-20 and 2023-24.
  2. The loan must be taken from a financial institution or a non-banking financial company.
  3. The deduction is available to both resident and non-resident individuals.

Apply for GST Exemption 

Another significant incentive is the exemption from Goods and Services Tax (GST) on electric vehicles. The government has reduced GST on EVs from 12% to 5%, thus lowering the cost of acquiring an electric vehicle. 

Availing State-Level Incentives

Besides these nationwide incentives, several Indian states offer additional subsidies, exemptions and incentives for electric vehicle owners. These could range from reductions in road tax to waiver of registration fees for electric vehicles. Therefore, it's vital to research state-specific incentives too. 

Remember, the goal of these incentives is not just to promote the use of environmentally friendly vehicles, but also to foster innovation and growth in the EV sector. These incentives can make owning an electric vehicle financially feasible and contribute to a more sustainable future.

To summarize, to qualify for electric vehicle tax credits and rebates in India, you need to purchase an eligible vehicle, understand the relevant provisions in the Income Tax Act, apply for GST exemption, and explore state-level incentives. These benefits can significantly reduce your cost of owning an EV and contribute to a greener future.

The Best Electric Vehicle Models for Tax Credits and Rebates in India

 a better time to consider switching to an electric vehicle (EV) in India. Not only can it contribute to a cleaner environment but also offer significant financial benefits. Many electric cars qualify for substantial tax credits and rebates, making them a cost-effective alternative to conventional gasoline-powered vehicles. Let's delve into some of the best electric vehicle models that are eligible for these incentives.

Tata Nexon EV 

The Tata Nexon EV is a compact SUV that is one of the best-selling electric cars in India. The government offers a sizable rebate on the Goods and Services Tax (GST) for this model, significantly reducing its on-road price. Additionally, depending on the state, you may also be eligible for a direct cash subsidy. 


Next up, the MG's ZS EV, a stylish SUV, comes with several eco-friendly features and an impressive range. The ZS EV also benefits from the reduced GST as well as possible state-level subsidies. 

Hyundai Kona Electric 

Hyundai's Kona Electric is a compact SUV that provides a long driving range and a comfortable, feature-rich cabin. Like the other models mentioned, the Kona Electric is also eligible for a GST rebate and potential state-level subsidies. 

It’s important to note that these incentives are subject to change and may vary depending on the state. Thus, you'll want to check with your local government or dealership to get the most accurate and up-to-date information. 

Table 1: Tax incentives for electric vehicles in India 

Model GST Rebate State-level Subsidy
Tata Nexon EV Yes Varies
MG ZS EV Yes Varies
Hyundai Kona Electric Yes Varies
Remember, switching to an electric vehicle is not just an environmentally friendly decision but also a financially prudent one, thanks to the various tax credits and rebates.

By choosing from these top electric vehicle models, you can enjoy a smoother, quieter ride while benefiting from substantial savings. So, are you ready to make the switch and contribute to a greener future?

How to Claim Your Electric Vehicle Tax Credit in India

Claiming your electric vehicle tax credit in India is a straightforward process that can result in significant savings. The government of India, in a bid to promote the use of environmentally friendly vehicles, has implemented several tax benefits and incentives for those who purchase electric vehicles. 

Below is a step-by-step guide on how you can take advantage of these rebates on your electric vehicle purchase. 

  1. Ensure Your Vehicle Qualifies: First, make sure that your electric vehicle is eligible for the tax credit. In India, electric vehicles that are approved by the Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) qualify for tax benefits.
  2. Keep All Relevant Documents: Be sure to keep all related documents such as the vehicle purchase invoice, registration certificate, and insurance papers. These documents will be required when applying for the tax rebate.
  3. Apply for the Rebate: To apply for the rebate, you will need to file your income tax returns. You can deduct the interest paid on loans taken for the purchase of electric vehicles from your total income. For this, you will need to provide details of the loan and the interest paid in your income tax return form.
  4. Wait for Approval: Once you have submitted your income tax return, you will need to wait for approval from the income tax department. They will check the details provided and, if everything is in order, approve the tax rebate.

Remember, the goal of these incentives is to encourage the use of electric vehicles in India. So, if you are contemplating the purchase of an electric vehicle, now would be the ideal time to make the switch and enjoy the tax benefits that come with it. 

"The more we support the use of electric vehicles, the greater our impact on reducing pollution and making our cities cleaner and greener for everyone."

So, get in the driver's seat of your new electric vehicle today and take the first step towards contributing to a greener future, all while enjoying substantial savings on your income tax.

The Future of Electric Vehicle Incentives in India

India's to further boost the adoption of EVs. While the specifics are still under discussion, these could include: 

  1. Further reductions in GST.
  2. Increase in income tax deductions on EV loans.
  3. Additional subsidies on home and public charging equipment.

With these potential changes on the horizon, the cost of owning an EV in India could become even more affordable, further accelerating the shift towards electric mobility. 

Note: While the Indian government is clearly committed to promoting the use of EVs, it's important to remember that the specifics of these incentives can change. Always refer to the latest government guidelines when considering the purchase of an EV.

As India continues to drive towards a more sustainable future, the country's commitment to electric vehicles is clear. By taking advantage of the current tax rebates and keeping an eye on potential future incentives, purchasing an EV could be a smart and sustainable investment.

Rebates in India

In India, the government is making concerted efforts to promote the use of electric vehicles (EVs) to mitigate the impacts of climate change. To incentivize the adoption of EVs, the Indian government has introduced several rebates and incentives. Here are some key financial benefits that you can avail of when purchasing an electric vehicle in India. 

FAME-II Scheme 

The Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid and) Electric Vehicles, commonly known as FAME-II, is a flagship program launched by the Indian Government. It offers significant subsidies on the purchase of new electric vehicles. 

  • Two-Wheelers: A subsidy of INR 10,000 per KWh is available for electric two-wheelers, reducing their overall cost.
  • Three-Wheelers: Buyers of electric three-wheelers can avail a subsidy of INR 10,000 per KWh as well.
  • Four Wheelers: For electric cars, the subsidy is INR 10,000 per KWh with an additional benefit for vehicles used for commercial purposes.

Tax Deductions under Section 80EEB 

Section 80EEB of the Indian Income Tax Act provides a tax deduction on the interest paid on loans taken for the purchase of electric vehicles. This rebate is available up to INR 1.5 lakhs per annum and applies to both new and used electric vehicles. 

Additional State-Level Subsidies 

Besides these central government initiatives, several states in India offer additional subsidies, tax exemptions, and incentives to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles. 

  • Delhi: The Delhi Government's Electric Vehicle Policy offers an incentive of up to INR 1.5 lakhs on the purchase of electric four-wheelers.
  • Gujarat: The state provides a subsidy of INR 10,000 per KWh for the first 1 lakh electric two-wheelers, three-wheelers, and four-wheelers.
  • Maharashtra: The Maharashtra government offers a subsidy of up to INR 1 lakh on electric cars.

With these incentives, purchasing an electric vehicle in India can be a cost-effective and environmentally conscious decision. It's not just about saving the planet, but also saving on your expenses. By choosing an electric vehicle, you're choosing a sustainable and economically beneficial mode of transportation.

Benefits of Electric Vehicles in India

Electric vehicles (EVs) are more than just an automotive trend in India; they are a sustainable solution for the nation's transportation needs. Besides being environmentally friendly, these vehicles come with a host of financial benefits that make them an attractive choice for consumers. The combination of local, state, and federal incentives can significantly reduce the cost of ownership, making EVs more accessible to the Indian population. 

Tax Rebate on Electric Vehicles 

The Indian government has made significant strides to promote the adoption of EVs by offering substantial tax rebates. The most prominent among these is the income tax deduction under Section 80EEB of the Income Tax Act. This provision allows a deduction of up to INR 1.5 lakhs on the interest paid on loans taken to purchase electric vehicles. This tax rebate is applicable for both individual taxpayers and Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs). 

Note: The tax deduction under Section 80EEB is available for loans taken from any financial institution or non-banking financial company for the purchase of an electric vehicle. The loan must have been sanctioned between April 1, 2019, and March 31, 2023.

Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles (FAME) Scheme 

Another significant benefit offered by the Indian government is the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles (FAME) scheme. Initiated in 2015, this scheme aims to boost the production and purchase of electric and hybrid vehicles in India by offering subsidies. 

  • FAME I (2015-2019): Under the first phase of the FAME scheme, a total incentive of INR 895 crores was disbursed.
  • FAME II (2019-2022): The second phase of the FAME scheme saw a drastic rise in the total outlay to INR 10,000 crores. This phase focuses on public and shared transportation and offers incentives based on the battery capacity of the vehicle.

GST Reduction 

The Indian government has also reduced the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on electric vehicles from 12% to 5%, making them more affordable. Moreover, GST on EV chargers or charging stations has also been slashed from 18% to 5% to encourage the establishment of charging infrastructure across the country. 

In conclusion, the government's push for electric vehicles through various incentives and rebates is encouraging more people to consider this sustainable transport option. This shift not only benefits the environment but also poses significant savings for the consumer in the long run.

Current State of Electric Vehicle Market in India

India's electric vehicle market is currently in a state of positive flux. Aided by favorable government policies and increasing environmental awareness among consumers, the sector is witnessing an unprecedented surge in demand. As the country grapples with the challenges of reducing carbon emissions and achieving sustainable growth, electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a viable solution. However, the high upfront cost of EVs can be a deterrent for many potential buyers. 

The government, recognizing the need to foster the adoption of electric vehicles, has rolled out various incentives, including tax rebates, to offset the initial purchase cost. This proactive approach has started to pay dividends, as can be seen from the steady rise in EV sales. Yet, to accelerate this transition and make it more mainstream, potential buyers must be aware of the financial benefits at their disposal. 

Understanding the tax rebates and deductions on electric vehicles can significantly reduce the financial burden and make the switch to cleaner, eco-friendly transportation more affordable. The following sections will guide you on how to avail these benefits and make a conscious decision towards sustainable mobility. 

Tax Rebate for Electric Vehicles Under FAME II Scheme 

The Indian government introduced the Faster Adoption and Manufacture of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (FAME) II scheme, which provides subsidies on the purchase of electric vehicles. These subsidies are directly related to the battery capacity of the EV, with the government offering a rebate of INR 10,000 per kWh of battery capacity. 

GST Reduction for Electric Vehicles 

In a bid to make electric vehicles more affordable, the government has reduced the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on EVs from 12% to 5%. This significant reduction in GST can translate to substantial savings on the purchase of an electric vehicle. 

Income Tax Deduction on Interest Paid on Loan 

As per Section 80EEB of the Income Tax Act, individuals can claim a deduction of up to INR 1.5 lakh on the interest paid on loans taken for the purchase of electric vehicles. This is a significant relief that can effectively bring down the cost of owning an EV. 

In conclusion, the Indian government's initiatives to promote the adoption of electric vehicles through various tax rebates and deductions have started to yield positive results. However, for these benefits to reach a wider audience, awareness about these incentives is paramount.

Government Incentives for Purchasing Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles are not only an excellent choice for reducing your carbon footprint, but also come with the added advantage of tax rebates and incentives. The Indian government recognizes the environmental and economic benefits of transitioning to electric vehicles (EVs) and has therefore instituted a range of incentives to encourage their adoption. 

FAME II Scheme 

The Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles (FAME II) scheme is a central government initiative aimed at promoting electric mobility. Under this scheme, incentives are provided based on the size and capacity of the EV battery. 

  • Two-wheelers: Rebates up to ₹20,000 per kWh of battery capacity with a cap at 40% of the vehicle cost.
  • Three-wheelers: Rebates up to ₹10,000 per kWh of battery capacity with a cap at 40% of the vehicle cost.
  • Four-wheelers: Rebates up to ₹10,000 per kWh of battery capacity with a cap at 20% of the vehicle cost.

Income Tax Deductions 

Section 80EEB of the Income Tax Act allows for a deduction of up to ₹1.5 lakh on the interest paid on loans taken for the purchase of electric vehicles. This deduction is over and above the existing ₹2 lakh deduction allowed for home loans, providing a substantial saving opportunity. 

State-Level Incentives 

Several state governments also offer additional incentives. For example, Delhi's Electric Vehicle Policy provides a purchase incentive of ₹10,000 per kWh of battery capacity for the first 1,000 electric cars registered in the state, up to a maximum of ₹1.5 lakh. 

Note: These incentives are subject to change as per government policies and regulations. It's advisable to check the latest updates from the government portals or authorized dealerships while planning your purchase.

In conclusion, the purchase of an electric vehicle in India can be significantly more affordable due to these government incentives. Not only do you contribute to a greener environment, but your wallet also benefits from the shift.

Types of Tax Rebates Available for Electric Vehicle Buyers in India

In the bid to promote green and sustainable means of transportation, the Indian government introduces a variety of tax rebates and incentives for electric vehicle buyers. These incentives not only help in the reduction of the purchase cost but also act as a catalyst in promoting the adoption of electric vehicles. 

FAME India Scheme 

The government launched the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles (FAME) scheme to incentivize the purchase of electric vehicles. Under this scheme, the government provides subsidies for different types of electric vehicles. 

  • Electric Two-wheelers: A buyer can get up to INR 15,000 per vehicle.
  • Electric Three-wheelers: A rebate of up to INR 25,000 per vehicle is available.
  • Electric Four-wheelers: Buyers can avail of a maximum deduction of INR 1.5 lakhs per vehicle.

GST Rate Reduction 

Another significant rebate available for electric vehicle buyers in India is the reduction in Goods and Services Tax (GST). Earlier, electric vehicles were taxed at 12%, but since August 2019, the rate has been reduced to 5%. 

This substantial decrease in the tax rate makes electric vehicles more affordable, thus encouraging more consumers to turn to cleaner alternative forms of transportation.

Income Tax Benefit 

Under Section 80EEB of the Income Tax Act, consumers can get an income tax benefit of up to INR 1.5 lakhs on the interest paid on loans taken for the purchase of electric vehicles. This deduction is available irrespective of the type of electric vehicle purchased. 

These tax rebates and incentives have significantly lowered the cost of electric vehicles, making them a viable and attractive option for many Indians. By understanding and availing of these rebates, you can contribute to a cleaner environment while also enjoying significant savings.

Conditions and Eligibility Criteria for Electric Vehicle Tax Rebates in India

As a potential electric vehicle (EV) buyer in India, it's essential to understand the conditions and eligibility criteria for the tax rebates available. The Indian government, in its efforts to promote green transport and reduce carbon footprints, offers several incentives to EV buyers. However, to avail these rebates, certain conditions must be met. 

Individual and Company Buyers 

Both individuals and companies can apply for the tax rebate. The eligibility, however, depends on a few specific conditions: 

  • Vehicle Type: The tax rebate is applicable only on electric vehicles. This includes both electric two-wheelers and four-wheelers. Hybrid vehicles do not qualify for this rebate.
  • Loan Taken: The tax benefit is granted under Section 80EEB of the Income Tax Act on the interest paid on loans taken for the purchase of electric vehicles. The maximum deduction that can be claimed is 1.5 lakhs.
  • Taxpayer Status: The tax rebate is available only to taxpayers. Therefore, if you do not fall under the taxable bracket, you won't be able to claim this benefit.

Manufacturers and Dealers 

Manufacturers and dealers of electric vehicles are also eligible for tax benefits under certain conditions: 

  • Vehicle Category: The tax benefits are available for the manufacture and sale of electric vehicles and charging stations.
  • Manufacturing Units: The government has proposed a deduction of 15% on the value of new plant and machinery for manufacturing electric vehicles.
Note: The tax rebate provided by the Indian government is subject to change based on the discretion of the government. Always consult a tax advisor or professional to understand the latest regulations and benefits.

In conclusion, India's government continues to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles through various financial incentives. Understanding the conditions and eligibility criteria for these incentives can help you make an informed decision about purchasing an electric vehicle.

How to Claim Tax Rebates on Electric Vehicles in India

As an environmentally-conscious consumer considering the purchase of an electric vehicle in India, it's important to be informed about the financial benefits that might be available to you. The Government of India has implemented various tax incentives and rebates to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles, which can significantly reduce your overall purchase cost. Let’s explore how you can claim these benefits. 

Understanding the FAME Scheme 

Firstly, it’s crucial to understand the FAME (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles) scheme. Introduced by the Government of India, this initiative aims to bolster the production and uptake of electric and hybrid vehicles in the country. Under the FAME II scheme, buyers can avail of substantial subsidies when purchasing electric vehicles. The rebate amount varies based on the type and model of the electric vehicle. 

Steps to Claim Tax Rebate 

To streamline the process, follow these steps to claim your tax rebate on electric vehicles: 

  1. Purchase an eligible Electric Vehicle: Ensure that the vehicle you’re purchasing is covered under the FAME II scheme. The eligibility criteria include the vehicle's range, energy consumption, and top speed.
  2. Collect the necessary documents: Prepare the relevant documents, which typically include the vehicle’s invoice, insurance documentation, and proof of registration.
  3. Submit the documents: Submit the aforementioned documents to the dealership from where you’re purchasing the vehicle. They will apply for the subsidy on your behalf.
  4. Wait for the Approval: Once the documents are submitted, the dealership will receive the subsidy amount directly from the government. The amount will then be deducted from the total cost of your vehicle.

Income Tax Benefits 

Aside from the subsidy, the government also offers income tax benefits for electric vehicle buyers. Under Section 80EEB of the Income Tax Act, you can claim a deduction of up to INR 1.5 lakh on the interest paid on loans taken for the purchase of electric vehicles. This benefit can be claimed while filing your income tax return. 

Remember, these incentives are part of the government's effort to promote eco-friendly transportation and reduce carbon emissions. By purchasing an electric vehicle, you're not only helping the planet but also saving money!

Keep in mind, however, that government policies and schemes may change over time. It is therefore crucial to verify the current rules and benefits from reliable sources or consult with a financial advisor before making a purchase.

Additional Cost Savings Associated with Electric Vehicles in India

In India, the high cost associated with the acquisition of electric vehicles (EVs) has often been cited as a significant barrier to their widespread adoption. However, it's essential to understand that the Indian government, recognizing the long-term benefits of EVs, has put in place various incentives to offset these costs. These incentives, which can be availed in the form of tax rebates and deductions, make EVs a more affordable and viable option for the Indian consumer. 

One of the most notable incentives is the Goods and Services Tax (GST) reduction. The Indian government has reduced the GST on EVs from 12% to 5%, which substantially reduces the upfront cost of purchasing an EV. Furthermore, the government has also slashed the GST on EV chargers from 18% to 5% to encourage EV usage. 

Note: Always consult with a tax professional or advisor to understand the full implications and procedures involved in availing of these tax rebates and deductions.

Beyond the GST reduction, the government has also launched the FAME II (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles) scheme. Under this program, the government offers substantial subsidies for electric two-wheelers, three-wheelers, and four-wheelers. This further reduces the financial burden on consumers who opt for electric vehicles. 

  • Electric Two-wheelers: Subsidies up to ₹20,000.
  • Electric Three-wheelers: Subsidies up to ₹50,000.
  • Electric Four-wheelers: Subsidies up to ₹1.5 lakh.

Additionally, the government offers an income tax deduction of up to ₹1.5 lakh on the interest paid on loans taken for the purchase of electric vehicles. This deduction, under section 80EEB of the Income Tax Act, can be claimed till the financial year 2023-24. 

Tax Rebate on Charging Infrastructure 

Recognizing that the lack of charging infrastructure can be a deterrent to EV adoption, the government has also introduced tax incentives for setting up charging stations. Under section 35AD of the Income Tax Act, businesses that install EV charging stations can claim a deduction of 100% of their capital expenditure in the year they are incurred. 

These incentives and rebates not only make EVs more affordable but also signify the government's commitment to promoting cleaner, more sustainable modes of transportation. It is therefore an opportune time to consider making the switch to an electric vehicle, not just for the environmental benefits, but also for the attractive financial incentives.

Importance of Electric Vehicles for a Sustainable Future in India

As we face the growing reality of climate change, it's becoming increasingly clear that transitioning to electric vehicles (EVs) is non-negotiable for a sustainable future. This shift is particularly crucial for India, a country grappling with severe air pollution issues and a high dependency on fossil fuels. Adopting electric vehicles on a wide scale can drastically reduce carbon emissions, thus enhancing the quality of life for millions of citizens and paving the way for a greener, more sustainable future. 

The tangible benefits of electric vehicles cannot be overstated: 

  • Reduced Emissions: Electric vehicles produce zero tailpipe emissions, significantly decreasing the overall carbon footprint. Unlike conventional vehicles that burn fossil fuels and emit harmful pollutants, EVs run on electricity, which can be generated from sustainable sources.
  • Economic Efficiency: Although the upfront costs of electric vehicles may be higher, the total cost of ownership over the vehicle's lifespan is usually less than that for conventional vehicles. This is primarily because EVs have lower fueling and maintenance costs.
  • Energy Independence: By transitioning to electric vehicles, India can reduce its reliance on imported oil, enhancing its energy security.

Despite these benefits, the adoption rate of electric vehicles in India has been relatively slow. However, the Indian government has introduced various initiatives and incentives, including tax rebates, to encourage the purchase of electric vehicles. 

Understanding Tax Rebates on Electric Vehicles in India 

The Government of India, in a bid to champion the cause of green mobility, has made significant strides in encouraging the purchase of electric vehicles. As part of its ambitious Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles (FAME) program, it offers substantial tax rebates and benefits to electric vehicle owners. This presents a valuable opportunity for consumers to make the switch to electric motoring more affordable. 

Note: It's pertinent to highlight that the amount of tax rebate can vary based on the type and cost of the electric vehicle. It's recommended to consult with a tax professional or the vehicle manufacturer for the most accurate information.

Given the myriad benefits of electric vehicles and the government's encouragement through tax rebates, it's an opportune time to consider transitioning to electric mobility. Not only will this move save money in the long run, but it will also contribute significantly to a cleaner, more sustainable future for us all.


Embrace electric for a sustainable future, backed by tax rebates from the Indian government. 

"Electric vehicles symbolize eco-responsibility."

Opt for electric vehicles for low operational costs and a reduced effect on the climate. Plus, the tax rebates enhance affordability and sustainability. 

  • Economical: Tax rebates make electric vehicles budget-friendly and cost-effective.
  • Eco-friendly: An electric vehicle selection aids in lowering emissions and cultivating a cleaner atmosphere.
  • State Endorsement: Exploiting rebates signifies support for India's electric mobility movement.

Reflect on the personal and environmental gains of electric vehicles. Utilize the tax rebates to promote a pollution-free India.


The Tax Heaven

Mr.Vishwas Agarwal✍📊, a seasoned Chartered Accountant 📈💼 and the co-founder & CEO of THE TAX HEAVEN, brings 10 years of expertise in financial management and taxation. Specializing in ITR filing 📑🗃, GST returns 📈💼, and income tax advisory. He offers astute financial guidance and compliance solutions to individuals and businesses alike. Their passion for simplifying complex financial concepts into actionable insights empowers readers with valuable knowledge for informed decision-making. Through insightful blog content, he aims to demystify financial complexities, offering practical advice and tips to navigate the intricate world of finance and taxation.

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