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Cash Credit vs Overdraft: Choosing the Ideal Financing Option for Your Business

In the world of business financing, entrepreneurs often find themselves faced with the decision of choosing between long-term funding options like Loan Against Property (LAP) or more flexible alternatives like Cash Credit (CC) and Overdraft (Overdraft) accounts. Each option comes with its own set of advantages and considerations, making it crucial for business owners to understand the differences and benefits of each. In this article, we will delve into the concept of Overdraft accounts, explore the nuances of cash credit Accounts, and ultimately help you make an informed decision regarding your business financing needs.


What is Cash Credit (CC)?


On the other hand, cash credit is a type of loan facility extended by a bank to individuals or businesses against a predetermined credit limit. It works like a revolving line of credit, enabling borrowers to withdraw as much money as they need, within the pre-approved limit, and repay it on an agreed-upon schedule. This facility is commonly used by businesses to manage their working capital requirements or meet any immediate financial obligations.


Key Features and Purpose of Cash Credit

  • Revolving Credit: Offers a pre-approved credit limit that can be used repeatedly.
  • Flexible Repayment: Allows businesses to borrow and repay funds as per their convenience.
  • Collateral Requirement: Generally requires collateral or security against the credit line.
  • Interest on Utilized Amount: Interest charged on the amount utilized from the approved limit.
  • Short-Term Financing: Primarily used for short-term working capital requirements.
  • Continuous Facility: Provides ongoing access to funds within the approved limit.
  • Working Capital Management: Helps manage day-to-day operational expenses.
  • Inventory Financing: Aids in purchasing and managing inventory levels.
  • Meeting Seasonal Needs: Assists during peak business seasons or fluctuating cash flows.
  • Managing Cash Flow Gaps: Addresses temporary gaps between receivables and payables.
  • Capitalizing on Opportunities: Allows seizing immediate business growth opportunities.
  • Addressing Emergencies: Provides a financial cushion to manage unexpected expenses.

What is an Overdraft (OD)?


An overdraft is a credit facility provided by a bank wherein an account holder can make withdrawals or issue checks for a value exceeding the available account balance. Essentially, an overdraft allows you to spend more money than what you currently have in your account, up to a predetermined limit set by the bank. Think of it as a financial safety net that covers you when you don't have sufficient funds to complete a transaction.


Types of Overdrafts


  1. Standard Overdraft
  2. Secured Overdraft
  3. Clean Overdraft


Key Features and Purpose of Overdraft


  • Flexibility: Allows withdrawing more than the available account balance.
  • Short-Term Borrowing: Provides funds when the balance hits zero.
  • No Fixed Repayment: Offers repayment flexibility.
  • Interest on Used Amount: Interest charged only on the utilized overdraft.
  • Revocable Credit: Subject to the bank's discretion or credit changes.
  • Cash Flow Management: Handles temporary cash shortages.
  • Emergency Fund: Acts as a safety net for unforeseen expenses.
  • Working Capital: Supports operational expenses for businesses.
  • Avoids Penalties: Helps avoid missed payment charges.
  • Seasonal Support: Assists during seasonal revenue fluctuations.


Differences between Cash Credit and Overdraft

While cash credit and overdraft share certain similarities, there exist key factors that set them apart. They are as follows:



Cash Credit


Interest Rates

A relatively reduced interest rate.

A relatively elevated interest rate.


One must pledge their stocks and inventory as collateral

Can be acquired depending on financial status, credit history, investments, and banking association.


Usually designed for business needs, especially for use as working capital.

Employed for various purposes, encompassing business expenses.

Loan Amount

The amount of stock and inventory is determined by

Based on provision of financial and security deposits


Remains unchanged

Decreases every month


A new bank account needs to be established.

Can be accessed through an existing account


Minimum tenure of 1 year

Can range from a month to a maximum of 1 year


Individuals, traders, manufacturers, retailers, distributors, partnerships, corporations, sole proprietorships, limited liability partnerships (LLPs), and so on.

Only account holders of the specific bank



Similarities between Cash Credit and Overdraft


  • Two types of credit lines offered by banks are cash credit and overdraft.
  • Both cash credit and overdraft impose interests on utilized amounts only not on the sanctioned ones.
  • Businesses are given both cash credit and overdraft.
  • In either case, the withdrawn amount should not be more than what has been sanctioned.


Advantages & Disadvantages of Overdraft

Benefits of Overdraft

Flexibility in Managing Cash Flow

  • An overdraft provides a flexible way to manage cash flow fluctuations. It can serve as a safety net when unexpected expenses occur or during periods of low income.
  • This financial tool allows individuals to bridge the gap between paychecks, ensuring that essential bills and expenses are covered even when funds are temporarily unavailable in the account.
  • It offers the convenience of immediate access to funds without the need for lengthy loan approval processes.

Cost-effective Option for Short-term Borrowing

  • Compared to other forms of short-term borrowing, such as payday loans or credit card cash advances, overdrafts can be a cost-effective solution.
  • Overdraft fees generally tend to be lower than the interest rates charged by payday lenders or the high cash advance fees associated with credit cards.
  • When used wisely and paid off promptly, overdrafts can provide a more affordable way to bridge financial gaps.

Avoidance of Negative Consequences

  • Utilizing an overdraft can help individuals avoid negative consequences, such as bounced checks or missed payments, which can damage their credit scores and relationships with creditors.
  • By utilizing overdrafts, individuals can ensure that their financial obligations are met in a timely manner, thus reducing the risk of incurring additional fees or penalties.

Losses of Overdraft

Cost Accumulation

  • One of the main drawbacks of overdrafts is the potential for accumulating costs. Banks usually charge overdraft fees, which can add up significantly if the overdraft is utilized for an extended period.
  • Additionally, interest may be charged on the overdraft amount, further increasing the overall cost of the borrowing.
  • It is important to carefully consider the associated fees and interest rates before utilizing an overdraft to avoid excessive expenses.

Limited Borrowing Capacity

  • Overdrafts typically have a predetermined limit set by the bank. This means that individuals can only borrow up to a certain amount, which may not be sufficient to meet larger financial needs.
  • If the borrowing requirement exceeds the overdraft limit, individuals may need to explore other borrowing options, such as personal loans, which may have a lengthier approval process.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Cash Credit

Benefits of Cash Credit

Increased Financial Flexibility

  • Cash credit provides individuals and businesses with increased financial flexibility. It acts as a revolving line of credit, allowing borrowers to withdraw and repay funds as needed within a predetermined credit limit.
  • This flexibility enables borrowers to address unforeseen expenses or take advantage of opportunities that require immediate access to funds, without the need to go through the lengthy process of applying for a loan.

Lower Interest Rates

  • One of the notable advantages of cash credit is the relatively lower interest rates compared to other forms of credit, such as credit cards or personal loans.
  • This lower interest rate can result in significant savings for borrowers, especially when the cash credit is utilized responsibly and repaid within the stipulated time frame.

Convenient Access to Funds

  • Cash credit offers borrowers the convenience of accessing funds whenever required. Once the credit line is established, individuals can withdraw funds through various channels, including cheques, ATM withdrawals, and online transfers.
  • Unlike traditional loans, where borrowers receive a lump sum amount, cash credit allows for an on-demand availability of funds, making it a convenient option for managing day-to-day expenses or unexpected financial emergencies.

Build Credit History

  • Another advantage of cash credit is its potential to help individuals build or improve their credit history. Timely repayment of the borrowed amount can demonstrate financial responsibility to lenders, thereby positively impacting the borrower's credit score.
  • A favorable credit history can open doors to better financial opportunities in the future, such as qualifying for lower interest rates on mortgages or car purchases.

Losses of Cash Credit

Temptation to Overspend

  • One of the key disadvantages of cash credit is the temptation to overspend. The easy access to funds can lead borrowers to be more impulsive in their purchases, potentially resulting in an accumulation of debt beyond their means.
  • Without proper financial discipline, cash credit can quickly become a burden, as borrowers find themselves unable to repay the borrowed amount in a timely manner.

Variable Interest Rates

  • Unlike fixed-rate loans, cash credit often comes with variable interest rates. These rates can fluctuate based on market conditions or other factors, leading to uncertainty for borrowers.
  • The unpredictability of interest rates can make it challenging for individuals or businesses to plan their finances effectively, as they may be caught off guard by sudden increases in the cost of borrowing.

Collateral Requirements

  • Cash credit may require borrowers to provide collateral as security against the credit line. This collateral could be in the form of assets such as property, inventory, or other valuable possessions.
  • The need for collateral can be a barrier for individuals or businesses that do not possess substantial assets to pledge, limiting their access to cash credit as a financial option.

Potential for Debt Trap

  • If not managed carefully, cash credit can lead to a debt trap. With the availability of funds at their fingertips, borrowers may become dependent on cash credit to meet their daily expenses, ultimately accumulating more debt than they can handle.
  • It is crucial for borrowers to exercise restraint, create a realistic repayment plan, and avoid falling into a cycle of borrowing and repaying, which can be detrimental to their financial well-being.

Potential for Dependency

  • While overdrafts can be a helpful short-term solution, they can also create a dependency on borrowed funds. Constantly relying on overdrafts to cover expenses may indicate an underlying financial imbalance that needs to be addressed.
  • It is important to examine the underlying reasons for relying on overdrafts and explore sustainable financial planning strategies to avoid becoming trapped in a cycle of debt.

Understanding Cash Credit Facility

Pre-Approved Credit Limit

One of the primary features of cash credit is the pre-approved credit limit set by the bank. This credit limit is determined based on various factors such as your credit history, income, and repaying capacity. Think of it as a safety net established by the bank, which allows you to access funds up to the predetermined limit.


Revolving Line of Credit

Cash credit works on a revolving line of credit system. This means that as you repay the borrowed amount, the credit becomes available again for you to utilize. It provides a continuous funding source for businesses or individuals, eliminating the need to reapply for credit each time funds are required.


Interest on Utilized Amount Only

Unlike traditional loans where interest is charged on the entire loan amount, cash credit facilities charge interest only on the amount actually utilized. This helps borrowers save on unnecessary interest costs, as they are not obligated to pay interest on the untouched credit limit.


Working Capital Management

Cash credit is widely used by businesses to manage their working capital efficiently. Whether it's purchasing raw materials, paying suppliers, or meeting regular operational expenses, cash credit provides the necessary funds whenever required. It offers bu sinesses the flexibility and liquidity they need to keep their operations running smoothly without any financial hiccups.


Some Points You should to Remember

While both cash credit and overdraft facilities are crucial financial lifelines for businesses. However, before availing either option, consider several critical factors that could impact your financial dealings:


1. Interest Rate: Compare rates as cash credit generally has lower interest.


2. Foreclosure Charges: Be mindful of foreclosure charges applicable when closing the credit facility before its designated tenure. These charges commonly range between 1% to 2%, affecting the overall cost of borrowing.


3. Processing Fees: Assess the processing fees associated with both options, as these fees can add to the total borrowing cost.


4. Unutilized Amount Interest: Understand that in the case of cash credit, if the facility remains partially or entirely unused, banks might impose interest charges on the unutilized amount, impacting your overall expenses.


5. Penalty Fees: Some financial institutions levy penalty interest charges under specific circumstances. It's crucial to comprehend the terms to avoid additional costs.


Selecting the most suitable option hinges on understanding your business's unique needs and financial situation. Carefully examining these aspects will help determine which financing option aligns better with your company's requirements and financial objectives.


Bottom Line


Cash credit and overdraft are short-term financing options offered by financial institutions to prevent check bouncing or declined debit card transactions due to insufficient funds in checking accounts. The main contrast lies in their security: cash credit often demands collateral, commonly for business accounts, while overdrafts permit brief negative balances without substantial fees for account holders.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Can I use Overdraft or Cash Credit for personal expenses?

Ans. Yes, you can use Overdraft or Cash Credit for personal expenses. Both are short-term financing solutions that financial institutions provide to their customers to prevent checks from bouncing or debit cards from being declined when there are insufficient funds in checking accounts.


Q2. What happens if I exceed my overdraft or cash credit limit?

Ans. You may incur additional fees and interest charges if you exceed your overdraft or cash credit limit.

Example:- If you exceed your overdraft limit, your bank may charge you overdraft fees. The amount of the fee varies according to the bank. Similarly, if you exceed your cash credit limit, you may be charged additional interest on the amount borrowed.


Q3.How can I minimize the interest charges associated with overdraft or cash credit?


  • Repay promptly: Minimize interest by settling the balance quickly.
  • Negotiate rates: Good credit may help negotiate lower rates.
  • Limit usage: Frequent use incurs fees, so use only when needed.
  • Monitor balance: Avoid surpassing limits to prevent extra charges.


Q4. What impact do overdraft or cash credit facilities have on my credit score?

Ans. Overdraft and Cash Credit usage can impact your credit score, as they contribute to your overall credit utilization and payment history.


Q5. Is Overdraft Protection the Same as Credit?

No, Overdraft Protection and Credit are not the same. Overdraft Protection is a financial service provided by banks to prevent declined transactions when an account reaches zero. It allows transactions to go through, creating a temporary negative balance and incurs fees or interest.


Q6. How To Set Up Cash Credit and Overdraft Protection?

  • Contact Your Bank: Reach out to your bank or financial institution.
  • Understand Terms: Learn about terms, interest rates, and associated fees.
  • Application Process: Complete required applications or paperwork.
  • Provide Collateral (if needed): Some options may require collateral.
  • Agreement Signing: Sign agreements once terms are agreed upon.
  • Activate Facility: Once approved, the facility is ready for use.
  • Use Responsibly: Utilize funds responsibly within the set limits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Cash credit and overdraft are both types of short-term financing offered by banks, but they differ in how they operate. Cash credit provides a revolving line of credit against hypothecation of stocks, while overdraft allows businesses to withdraw funds exceeding their account balance, up to a predetermined limit.

Cash credit allows businesses to borrow funds against the security of their current assets, such as inventory or receivables. It provides flexibility in accessing funds as needed and interest is charged only on the amount utilized.

Overdraft facilities provide businesses with the flexibility to withdraw funds from their bank account even when the account balance is insufficient. Interest is charged only on the amount overdrawn, and businesses have the freedom to repay the overdraft as per their convenience.

In cash credit, repayments are typically made through periodic installments or as per the terms agreed upon with the bank. On the other hand, overdraft repayments are flexible, and businesses can repay the overdrawn amount at their discretion, usually without a fixed repayment schedule.

Both cash credit and overdraft facilities can be used to manage working capital requirements. However, cash credit may be more suitable for businesses with regular and predictable cash flows, while overdraft may be preferred for businesses needing occasional access to additional funds.


The Tax Heaven

Mr.Vishwas Agarwal✍📊, a seasoned Chartered Accountant 📈💼 and the co-founder & CEO of THE TAX HEAVEN, brings 10 years of expertise in financial management and taxation. Specializing in ITR filing 📑🗃, GST returns 📈💼, and income tax advisory. He offers astute financial guidance and compliance solutions to individuals and businesses alike. Their passion for simplifying complex financial concepts into actionable insights empowers readers with valuable knowledge for informed decision-making. Through insightful blog content, he aims to demystify financial complexities, offering practical advice and tips to navigate the intricate world of finance and taxation.

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